

We support logo and color-scheme customization as well as language and text localization. So the signer will see your logo, your colors and your desired texts or languages. Even the email-template can be customized or even personalized by you.


We offer you two cloud versions:

Shared-SaaS: Your organization runs on our shared & cost effective instance.

Private-SaaS: You get a private eSignAnywhere instance, hosted and managed by Namirial. Benefits of our private SaaS:

  • use your own domain name; e.g.
  • multi-organizations capability; e.g. one organization for each subsidiary
  • support of native mobile apps (iOS, Android, Windows) and its offline capability
  • benefit from extended customization possibilities (custom CSS, JS, …)
  • get access to additional APIs for advanced integrations (PoS and remote scenarios)
  • improved security: your own unique file encryption keys
  • regional server hosting (due AWS hosting locations)
  • custom sealing certificates and crypto options
  • custom SMS-OTP gateway options
  • custom SMTP server is technically possible, but we don’t recommend it

On Premise

If you want to run eSignAnyWhere on your own servers, maintained by your own internal resources, you can deploy eSignAnyWhere on-premise.  Additional benefits, such as custom SMS-OTP-Gateway, extended customization, private SMTP servers and many more are available for on-premise customers.


Security is a primary consideration. All communication with our service occurs over encrypted channels (HTTPS). We use encryption for sensitive data, modern encryption algorithms, GUIDs instead of auto incrementing IDs, secure development patterns and highly trained developers. Further we have recommended implementation patterns to increase the security of your eSignAnyWhere integration.